Letting go can be difficult. Letting go of people, ideas, expectations, desires; letting go of bad habits, false beliefs and unhealthy relationships...
the list goes on. Every day, every moment presents an opportunity to
create ourselves anew, to shrug off the baggage of the past, open
ourselves up to the possibility of the moment and take action to create
an incredible future.
Although we can understand this intellectually, knowing it and living it are two very different things.
Here is my Top Ten Action list for letting go to get going:
1. Meditate. Find stillness, breathe. Meditation
is action. Our mind is much harder to still than our body. Our lives
are busy and fast paced, filled with external noise and distractions.
Clarity comes from quiet. Meditation, even in small amounts, will make
room for the next 9 steps.
2. Understand. Take
time to reflect on your own history as a third party looking in without
judgment: simply observe. Understand that you are not your past.
Understand that the situations and patterns and people in your life
created your experiences, they didn’t create you. Knowing and
understanding your past and some of your patterns will help you to
recognize why you hold on and repeat self-destructive behaviours.
Understanding creates awareness; awareness helps you break the cycle.
3. Accept. Accept
your history and the people that have been a part of your history;
accept your circumstances and remember that none of these define you.
Acceptance is the first step to letting go and setting yourself free.
Learn from the monk in the story: carrying bitterness, anger or
animosity burdens no one but you.
4. Empty your cup.
Consciously and actively work at letting go of your story; your
judgments and ideals, the material things, all your stuff. They have no
real value. They do not make you stronger, healthier or more powerful,
and belief in them is a delusion. Pour out your expectations of how,
who, where and what you should be as they, too, are part of a story that
holds you back from simply being. Once you let go of this story and empty your cup, your life purpose will open up and flow.
5. Align. Take a moment (or several: you’re worth the time) to write down the following:
i. Your core beliefs/values
ii. Your Life Goals
iii. The actions that you are taking to pursue those goals.
take an honest look at your core beliefs/values and determine whether
or not they align with your goals and actions. If not, ask yourself: is
it time to create new core beliefs, set new goals or take new action? What actions must you take to align your actions
with your beliefs in order to attain your goals. Write down 3 actions
that you will take this week to get yourself moving.
6. Flex. It
may seem paradoxical to detach from outcomes, yet set goals and work
toward them. But if you are flexible -- that is, willing to let go of
the end result -- aligning your goals and true purpose with the greater
good is righteous action. Be flexible; allow the path to unfold as it
will, opening up to opportunities. Flex and flow with the current of
7. Contribute. When you find
yourself lamenting about your past or angry about your present or
brooding about your future, find a way to making someone’s day better.
Offering a smile to someone as you pass, opening a door, putting a bit
of extra change in the parking meter, dropping off some food for the
food bank: these simple actions can have lasting impact and help you to
put your situation into perspective. Contributing to the well-being of others is the best way to align with your true self.
8. Believe in yourself.
Believe in your purpose. Believe that the universe is unfolding as it
should and that you have a divine roll to play. Believe that holding on
does nothing in fact but hold you back from that purpose.
9. Love the process. Have
fun. Be playful, cheerful and positive. Give power to positivity. Love
yourself, love others and love this life. It is a gift to unwrap each
and every day, to gaze upon with new and excited eyes.
10. Be grateful. Be true. Once you have taken all of these actions, just be.
Here’s to letting go of the past and embracing the future.
By Cat O'Connor
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