Feel the peace

The pain and confusion come more from the struggle than from the
difficulty itself. Let go of the need to struggle, and deploy your
energy in a positive manner to effectively and successfully deal with
the situation.
Go deep within, past the anxiety, past the
thoughts, past the resistance, and feel the pure peace that lives at
your center. If you cannot feel the peace, go deeper, and deeper, until
you do.
Feel the peace, and
your worries dissolve into nothing. Feel the peace, and feel the energy
and confidence to make good things happen.
Feel the peace, and
allow your unique purpose to be expressed with no hesitation and no
doubt. Feel the peace, and feel how right it feels to let beauty, love,
goodness and value flow out from you.
There is nothing to be
gained by fighting against what is already a reality. Accept what is,
and enable yourself to create new, positive value from it.
Feel the peace, and feel the limitless possibilities that are connected
to your life. Feel the peace of allowing your life to be, and feel the
power to bring the best of those possibilities into being.
Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator
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