"Love is only possible if you are fearless. The man who is afraid cannot be loving." ~Osho
how to become fearless in life is one of the most empowering
experiences we can summon. Being fearless paves the path for the
deepest most heart fulfilling love and freedom to enter. In fact there
is no way that love and real freedom can enter your life if you're
living in any type of fear. You have to give up fearful thinking if
you want to experience love in this moment. These two energies cannot
occupy the same space in your body at the same moment. With this
simple awareness it becomes a moment to moment task in life to ask
yourself, "Am I choosing to live in love or fear?" Let this life
journey become a sacred playful mission of discerning what state
you're in. By learning how to choose love, you'll create more
awareness to know when you're coming from fear. The practice and
devotion to living only in the vibration of a fearless love will open
your life to blossom fully, inviting in the most joyful states of
ecstasy you can fathom.
it comes down to it, our natural state of being is already fearless.
We simply have become engulfed in the illusion of separation, wrapped
up in somebody else's ideas of panic, lack, greed and desperation. We
simply need to remember to breathe and trust that all is well, then sit
back and relax into our deepest core. At the very core of our being is
a power soooooo mighty, sooooo loving, and sooooo ridiculously amazing
that no sensations of lack and limitation can enter it. It's
equivalent is like the Sun in the sky. A great ball of fire that is ten
times the size of our planet is radiating at the core of our being!
It's continuously spreading warmth, creativity, light and life in all
directions. If there was any attempt to throw a spear of ice or metal
to pierce through it, the Sun will simply welcome it, melt it down, and
absorb it into itself. This is exactly what we need to do when anyone
tries to hurt us, sending any sharp cold unloving negative energy our
way. This inner Sun practice defuses all negativity, radiates total
positivity, and teaches others what the highest path in life looks and
feels like.
moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness, all the
burden on your heart disappears. All the fear of death, of life, of
love - everything disappears. One starts living with a very light
weight or almost no weight. So weightless one becomes, one can fly in
the open sky." ~Osho
total fearlessness in your life stems from a constant choice to trust
in yourself and in life. This is a trust that requires no rational
reason for being there, you are just choosing trust because it
feels better in your body than doubt and fear. This trusting energy is
a by product of honoring this magnificent bright loving Sun that lives
naturally within you. You simply trust that life has got your back,
that it's guiding you, holding you, protecting you and serving your
highest good within each decision that is made along the way. When you
are choosing this trusting path first thing every morning, and randomly
all through your day, your life will feel like a magical flow of one
miracle into the next. You will realize that with trust at the core of
your being, you feel unstoppable in all that you are and all that you
I ask you a personal question? When life brings you a challenging
situation or person, how do you typically deal with it? Do you avoid
it, resist it or try to scoot around it? Or do you meet it head with
an open heart until you are empowered by it? I find that the truly
fearless loving life path requires we develop the skills of a being who
is like a peaceful warrior. This open hearted warrior has a
willingness to choose inner peace over everything and anyone life
presents. Whatever the world offers you, the warrior accepts it as a
gift for a deepening and softening into love. The peaceful warrior
chooses to handle life a way that only results in feelings of inner
peace. When we step into this warrior mindset, it means we are
allowing our ego's demands to become less of a priority than our
devotion to inner peace. Once inner peace is more important than the
mind, than fear, than anyone or anything in this world, then we can
discover what unstoppable fearlessness is like in everyday life.
find that the secret to abiding in a long term state of fearlessness
is also the very foundation of what creates fearlessness in the first
place. When you develop a deep commitment to yourself to be fearless,
it must come out of a rooted courage in your heart to move beyond this
world of right and wrong. You must constantly know your true Self is
like this radiant Sun, a warm shining being who is filled with love and
peace at the core. Then, all of your limiting ideas and feelings of
low self esteem stop pulling at you and you eventually become free.
It's within this continual return to loving you that you can choose
inner peace as a way to navigate through your life. You feel good
about you, so you only make decisions that feel good. This creates a
deep self loving foundation which is poured into the very roots of your
being. In some ways, you are like a long term fearless love "project"
who cannot quit until you are finished. Once you realize you'll be
around for an eternity to get the job done, you'll find the deepest commitment to yourself naturally roots itself quietly in.
are many obstacles to being fearless, loving and free, which are all
meant to turn you into a master. If there was one thing to watch out
for on this path it is the ego. The ego loves to hide out in ideas
about what it thinks you are and what you're not. It is always coming
up with powerful "real" ideas that you innocently believe are true.
Ideas that you end up defending righteously, protecting until the end
of time. You need to get beyond ALL of these ideas about who you are
and who you're not if you really want total fearlessness. Do you
really think who you are can be contained within an idea? Something
that can be written on a piece of paper? Remember, at the core you are
bigger than the Sun! In fact, you are also as vast as the infinity of
space that surrounds the sun.
we get attached to any idea of who we think you are we suffer. No
matter how good the idea is, we feel we have to protect and defend it,
or try to grow beyond it which one day becomes an invitation for
fear-based contractions to step in. Any idea you have about you is a
trap, so drop all ideas of yourself and be free! The real cosmic truth
of the soul who you really are is beyond any concept that your mind
can fathom. The pure consciousness at your core cannot be described
with words. Once you realize you are indescribable bliss, and see all
your ideas about who you are are holding you back from experiencing
this, you will be very very careful the next time you say, "I am this,
or I am that." Instead, you will drop into the radiant all loving
Source of Sunshine that abides at the core of your being. This eternal
source of love is who you truly are.
life is always much more amazing than we can imagine. The manifesting
powers we have inside of us are AMAZING! We can manifest the life of
our dreams at anytime. We are super powerful manifesting machines!
What we really want to manifest is always much easier to attract into
our lives than we can imagine. To viscerally get this, it's vital that
we take the time to simply soften, watch the mind, relax the body and
look deeply inside ourselves. Try it out right now. Gaze deep inside
yourself and find the "I" in the center of the hurricane of the mind.
Find the pure awareness that is reading this sentence right now? What
is this awareness? What is it made of? What is this "I" that you've
identified as "me". Which one is the true you? This exercise is meant
to stop the mind so you drop into the pure innocent soul at the core.
The experience of who you really are is much more amazing than an idea
of who you are. You are beyond the positive and negative judgments of
the mind, the rights and wrongs, and all the actions we believe are
good or bad. This is where real freedom is found...right here, right
now. At the source of pure consciousness which is already here and
always without an identity. It's natural state is free from thought,
and it is the cosmic eternal blank canvas where all creativity is
constantly being painted upon.
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt
it comes down to the everyday practical world of always choosing love
over fear, choosing inner peace over attachment, you'll find that there
is a wild uncaged animal inside you who needs your permission to come
out of hiding. This wild part of you is one powerful secret to
experiencing real freedom from your suffering out in the world.
Imagine your favorite animal is inside you, hiding in a cave. It is
awaiting the right moment where its ok to be truly wild and free in the
society. It is afraid that if it comes out you will be shunned by
others and excluded from your circle of acceptance. In order to be
totally fearless in your life, you MUST let this wild free animal come
out and dance naked in the sunshine! In whatever small way you can,
let it poke it's head out of the cave each day, until eventually you
can fully let it out! Each time you let your inner animal be free,
you will see that fearful overly controlled human existence fading
further and further away.
it's important to know that this life is a spiritual journey. You are
a spirit in body, and you're sent here to discover and know that
everything is your friend... including fear. It's vital you create a
relationship with fear understanding that it is presented to you as a
gift from the Universe. Fear is a divine treasure meant to catapult
your life into a higher expanded dimension of consciousness. When
you're living this as the biggest truth, you can embrace and welcome
each fear that arises. You become awake enough to know
that...hey...it's ALL happening for your enlightenment, then you
relax. You see that fear is only "real" inside your mind and does not
exist anywhere "out there". It's merely a conglomeration of fight or
flight chemicals and neurons firing in your body and brain, which you
have the power to transcend by creatively using that divine space
between your ears. Once you know that fear is your greatest teacher and
best friend, you will become truly fearless, loving and totally free.
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