Friday, July 5, 2013

7 Simple tips to be your best self.

1. Create some free time. When we fill all of our hours up with tasks, chores and negative thoughts we cannot feel balanced or connecting. Breathe deeply and allow life to flow through you. Avoid the temptation to fill every hour in your schedule. 

2. Stop gossiping. If you have a problem with someone, talk to him or her directly. When you gossip, but fail to tell the source of your problem, you are misdirecting your anger. You're also missing a chance to learn and expand your relationship by spend time with that person, and letting them be your teacher.

3. Nurture your younger self. Although we are adults, most of us have an inner child who needs tender love and care. Most of us have experienced something, painful, traumatic and unfair as a child. But instead of giving that little child attention we choose to eat over it, work over it, do drugs over it, get anger over it, etc. We turn to addictions or self-sabotaging habits to avoid feeling alone and sad. Nourish yourself with kind words and physical care. Make time to sleep, drink water, and eat healthful foods. 

4. Release control. When we feel overwhelmed and exhausted from life’s demands, we can surrender fully and ask the universe for help. Let your ego and pride subside and recognize that being vulnerable is the gateway to peace. Trust that the universe is always working on your behalf, to give you what you need. You may not always get what you want, but you will always get what you need. Let go of the outcome for ultimate freedom. 

5. Let yourself believe in miracles. Many of us feel jaded and sad from the negative experiences of our life. Recognize that pain can be our biggest teacher, and can an opportunity for growth. Know that there is no destination; the journey is the miracle. Once we learn to let go of expectations, we can fully experience the miracles that happen daily. 

6. Focus on what makes you grateful. We are not our problems. Problems, in fact are not problems at all, unless we focus attention on them. Don’t identify with your problems because when you do it brings more attention to them. Instead, state a positive intention, and follow by gratitude for your healing and positive outcome. 

7. Don't take advice from others. We often lean on others for help when we don't trust ourselves. But every person with an opinion is shaped by experiences, beliefs, insecurities and dreams. Ultimately what they desire in life is not always what you want. Learn to trust yourself and your own inner voice for true happiness.

Shannon Kaiser via

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